Covid-19 Info

September 4: School Opening and Hygiene Videos Added

August 17, 2021: Continuity of Service Plan for Region 1
September 2: Recent Addenda from the State of CT added (Addenda 8-11)

August 18: Video Recording and Slideshow for Community Chat #2 added, with link to Student Handbook Addendum
Click here to view the recording, which includes the slideshow. Use Password: *dWMxd9A
Click here to view the slideshow
Click here to view the Student Handbook Addendum

July 29: Recording of Community Chat #1 (7/28/20) added, with slideshow presentation outlining the HVRHS Reopening plan
Click here to view the slideshow

Click here to view the recording of the meeting (presentation starts at 7:07)

July 27: HVRHS-specific ReOpening Plan Added
Click here to read the plan.

July 20: Regional Return to School Plan Shared with Board of Education
Click here to read the plan.

Click here to see the presentation by Superintendent Carter
Proposed (revised) 20-21 School Calendar

Updated 7/20/20

March 19: The counselors are planning to conduct our traditional individual post-high planning meetings with students and their parents/guardians via remote access over the next few weeks. Please reach out to your counselor if you would like to schedule an appointment.

11th grade SAT School Test Day administration scheduled for March 25 has been postponed; makeup date October 14
9th/10th grade PSAT test administration scheduled for March 25 has been postponed; makeup date October 14.

Most colleges have cancelled spring campus tours and open houses. Our office has received a number of messages from colleges indicating they are providing virtual tours. NACAC lists information regarding online virtual visits and information sessions. The list is updated daily:  Information can also be obtained directly from the college web sites.

For Juniors and Seniors, the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has provided this impact website that is searchable. This online tool is a central resource for information about changes in college admission events, deposit dates and more as a result of the corona virus outbreak:–publications/newsroom/college-admission-status-coronavirus/

Orientation Video for Fall 2020

Guide to Mask Wearing and Hand Washing